Good afternoon everyone,
Guess it must be the weather, or my nerves. I have another web site that may be of interest to you.
I am setting a link to this site. It is called the Huffington Post, This site contains a lot a news. Take it at face value, and I am not promoting it, but it does cover things I generally do not hear in the main stream news or our local news.
This site contains tons of news pertaining to all aspects of our lives, there are many articles on food. One in particular is frankenfish.
Please go to the link, and then go to the bar that shows all of the different types of news, then click the food marker, scroll down a little ways and it shows a article on FDA approval of frankenfish, and shows a normal trout and then a huge trout on steroids (or hormones) . Please read.
I am sorry that I seem to be on a rant, but for some reason, all of the sudden, there is this and that of eggs, and fish, and who knows what else. I promise I will get back to posting recipes that a few of you wanted to see, and some other ideas I have that I would like to throw out to the masses, (not sure how many of you are reading my blog...) but as you may can tell, I am some what PO'd at all of this, and it REALLY bothers me. Must be my age or I am having a mental something.
Anyway, I will bring to a few who have asked about my vegetable puree flakes I make in the dehydrator, and I wanted to post this, as you can do a lot with this. If you do not have a dehydrator, I think that you could use the oven on low temp and a shallow pan and dry this down also.
Anyway, dearest readers, I am sorry for the rant, but I am really mad at this, and it seems to get worse each day, but maybe if all of us make a stand, maybe we can back em' down.
Take care all and I will post later.
Try to have a great day
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