Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unexpected things that happen or Murphy's Law

Hello everyone.

I am sorry that I have not posted for a while, but my elderly mother fell during the week and my ICU kitty seemed to think that they had to fight for my attentions.

My mom is ok, but will have to have the artificial hip replaced after 30 yrs, she has 2 hips  but she broke her leg over 2 yrs ago and every since, it has not worked the same since that time, so its off to the Doc's office Monday early am, and my ICU kitty had a relapse with the constipation issue and have been up all night with her. She finally did her business early this morning, but these are issues that come up and so far, she is doing good and eating again.

I want to thank one of my readers for her recipe for kitty glop, thank you, I am mixing some of this up and will work this into the ICU kitty and see if we can keep this under control until she gets older and can handle potty habits better.  What our issue is, is that she was a tiny thing, very malnourished  and no mom kitty and moms usually wash kitten's behinds to get them to do their business, but this one didn't have a mom, so she hasn't quite figured out when to go, so we will get this under control and the vet thinks that as she gets a few weeks older, she will figure this out, until then, we have to do our mom kitty part, and I assure you she doesn't like at all, but we need her to get the idea, just time on all of our parts.

I am still here also, no jail or other nasty things.  Got plates and things done for the car and got the cop out of my hair. Now he's on my landlord, which is fine, it keeps him out of my hair, I have enough in my hair at this time anyway. We decided not to do anything about this cop, as this one seems to have an issue in general, I talked this over with my dad, who was a cop many years ago in the 50's here in town, and he said to let sleeping dogs lie, as this cop may find issues and harass just to do it, he said, to let something bigger take him, which I'm sure it will the way he is going at this rate.  My dad said to keep a low profile, which I do anyway, for God's sake, I garden and putter around in the yard, and unless the drug dealer slips up, I don't think that we will have issues for awhile.

So, hopefully things will calm down, I'm not sure when my mother will have hip surgery, but I will try to get a few posts going, and get back on track.   I have also been canning in all the middle of this, it seems to calm me down somewhat, and keeps my mind off of the world in general,  and takes me to a simpler time with my grandmother's kitchen and all that we did together. I am also trying to tackle the housework too, it seems everything either grows legs and walks off or it has babies and multiplies into many things, especially the laundry.

It has been chilly here, a couple of weeks ago, on Saturday, I did Farmer's Market, and I just about froze, it seems to be ok when we were all setting up  and then all of the sudden, the wind came up and it started raining a very cold rain, and we all just about packed it in.  It was all I could do to keep warm, and drink coffee until it poured out of my ears, I finally quit early at 11:30, and was able to pack up and it took all day to warm up and get the chill off me. It was funny, there were quite a few people wandering out and about that morning. I think that it was only 40 degrees that morning after being 80 something on Friday. Go figure.

So, I should go for now, I have beef stew in the crock pot going, and am trying to get some laundry done,  before the wheel starts rolling again tomorrow.  Anyway, everyone have a great week, and I will try to post back later this week.

Take care all


  1. Good afternoon Denim ~ Sorry to hear about your Mom falling and having to have hip surgery.

    Your poor little kitty. Hopefully she will be much better soon and get it figured out what she's supposed to be doing.

    Here you are having freezing weather, and it's still in the high 80's feeling like it's in the 90's with the humidity.

    Your beef stew sounds great. I've got a pot of vegetable, Italian sausage soup going. It is smelling good. Made a loaf of coconut milk bread with flax meal in it this morning, in my bread machine.

    Glad to hear you got tags for the car and that the cop is not giving you any more hassles. I've been thinking about you, and DH has ranted more than once about the cop saying a veggie garden was illegal. Your Dad is right in keeping a low profile. That guy will certainly get his one of these days. Some cops like to just hassle people, they love being in control.

    Hope your week goes smoothly.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. For sure, you have enough going on for a few days!
    Taking care of needy small animals is very demadning--when they make it, its a tremendous reward--when they don't we can only feel that we did our best for them
    There is something about the repetitious work of canning--or weeding--or even ironing which keeps the hands busy and lets the mind float free for awhile.
    Stay warm.

  3. You two are making me feel SO hungry with those yummy recipes! Guess it must be lunchtime.

    I hope that your mum and the ICU kitty are both on the mend again soon Denim. What a worry for you though, and I can see why you found doing the canning gave you a break from this stressful time. I find that repetitive jobs (like ironing) help me in the same way.

    Gosh, but it's suddenly gone cold with you and what a difference to have the temps HALVING in a few days. Brrrrrrrr! It looks like a long winter here as autumn has come decidedly and early this year (no Indian summer like last Autumn).

  4. I am so sorry about your Mom. Hope everything goes smoothly for her with the surgery and recovery.

    Poor little kitty....he is lucky to have you.

    Good attitude about the cop. I am glad you still have your Dad to give you advice. I still miss Mom and Dad.

    All this talk about soups and stews is killing me! We are having delightful cool weather and I am ready for hot soup.

    Housework or work of any kind is always my therapy for anything!
