Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday in the States.  And to my overseas readers, have a wonderful end of the week and weekend.
I will try to get to blogging next week.  It is pretty quiet here at the present moment, for which I am so very thankful of.
I will be hosting my parents and my ex for Thanksgiving. Really not too much.  Movies and eating til I am stuffed, like a beached whale.  The cats and dogs in the kitchen hoping that I drop something on the floor..... preferably the turkey. And if you are all going out on Black Friday, try not to get trampled, stabbed, or a black eye. lol
Anyway, enjoy the time with your families  and the holiday and we will catch everyone later.

Have a wonderful Holiday


  1. Denim ~ May you and yours have a lovely day tomorrow. May your little critters be thankful for the crumbs that fall their way.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  2. Happy holiday Denim - keep warm and enjoy your special meal (hoping the turkey DOESN'T fall on the floor!!) Jennie xx

  3. Hope you and yours had a lovely Thanksgiving.

    We did.

  4. Just back from the north country (St. Augustine) and catching up on my favorite bloggers. Hope you had a wonderful turkey day!
