Friday, January 28, 2011


I came in from outside and just heard on the radio that it is 60*.  It is a literal heat wave here, break out the bikini's and the beach towel.  Better enjoy it today as it is supposed to start cooling down to 40's tomorrow, 30's on Sunday, and then the single digits and below zero at night Monday and Tuesday.  Oh well.

I tried to get to my legs on my cold frames, but just can't break the grip of ice on the north side.  So.....what I am going to do is wait until we get a break in the cold, and then cut me a piece of greenhouse plastic and just cover my garden buckets that I have on the south side, (see photos to the left), and I will just wrap and make a tent over the buckets and use tomato cages to hold up the plastic and this will get things warmed up and I should be able to plant sometime in the first few weeks of February, which is generally what I do anyway, I was just wanting a better set up.  My buckets are warm and are very loose in the soil so I can start mixing my worm poop, and fresh compost in.

As you may be able to see, I do not have a whole lot of room around my place.  Where the car port is on the very left corner of the top photo, is my lot line. I have about a 5 ft wide space and then a 76 ft length to the back.  I will be putting up cattle panels to fence off everything.  I use the blue buckets to grow my peppers and tomatoes and cucumbers, and then use the fence for beans, and more cucumbers to ramble on. When its covered it looks pretty good.  You can also tell how close we all are around here, so you can see how things can get tense real quick.  My north side I have fenced off and I use this for more tomatoes and then my summer lettuces and greens and onions and what ever else I can squeeze in. I plant flowers around also for color.  My soil here is very clay based and its too hard to dig so I use the buckets and other containers to grow stuff in.  Where ever I can put a pot, I put a plant.  I am going to have it looking like a jungle again this year.

Well, thought I'd post that I couldn't get to the frames and legs, told you, best laid plans.
Take care all


  1. And here I was thinking of you in the aftermath of a blizzard! For sure winter is not over in Nebraska!
    I think you are wise to garden in containers--clay soil is a pain and it takes a lot of humus/compost/digging to make it better.

  2. Tell me about best laid plans! Looks like you've got your ingenuity working overtime. I admire your industry.

  3. You are very ingenious in making use of that small space. I will be following the growth of that jungle.

    What can you plant in February in the far north?

    We are having the same warm days and then a predicted drop in temperature...not quite as low as yours will be.

  4. Love the photos. Your gardening is such an inspiration to me! The way you use every inch.

    I just love hearing about your life.

  5. You may be close but you certainly make the most of your space and I wish everyone would bloom where they are planted as you do. You are an inspiration.
