Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Season to All

Good Morning,

I just wanted to stop to wish everyone a Blessed Easter.  I am working in the garden today, and will try to take photos of what I am doing.
I have a few more heads of lettuce to put in, and then I am going to re-start some tomatoes, and peppers. See if I have any luck with that.
Please enjoy the holiday, and remember what it is all about. If you are of other spiritual disciplines, please remember compassion, humility, and  sharing in this world that so desperately needs it.

Hugs to All


  1. Happy Easter dear Denim,

    This ol' world certainly needs Love and Light.

    Love and hugs to you and yours,


  2. I shall have to take a look under my ramshackle plastic tunnel, and see if my salads are big enough to plant out. They probably are.

    I don't really do Easter, but any local children who pop round are always given a chocolate egg or two.

  3. Hi Denim

    I hope that you had a peaceful Easter weekend and got some more seeds started. We had such a sudden cold snap last week, and then a hard frost, that some of my better-grown ones were zapped, despite being under cover in my (plastic) greenhouse.
