Sunday, July 15, 2012

New babies

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I thought I would just quickly post pictures of the two kittens.  Dexter is the little boy who D saved a week ago today.  He did not look like this when we got him, but now he is a pure boy, and getting into everything.
Little grey girl will be 6 weeks this week. I got her 4  weeks ago today. I am trying to find a special name for her and her fight to survive.  She is very special.
I will post pics of the garden.  It is doing very well, considering the heat,  D trenched and mulched the tomatoes and cukes and they are really producing.  The cuke vines are about 7 feet tall now. and the cherry tomato to the back and corner, is over 7 feet.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend, and I will post later.


  1. Dexter is surely as cute as can be. Your grey baby is SO TINY--what a miracle if you can raise her.
    I get so very angry at people who neglect and abuse animals--and at the moment we have a full house of salvaged felines.
    We have found that sometimes there are personailty issues amongst the cats when there are additions to the family--some of which can be quite unpleasant in terms of noisy upsets and messes.
    Still, as you say, we seem to have a sign out where ever we have lived because cats and kittens have always appeared. We do the best we can.

  2. How wonderful that she has survived ... may I suggest Athena ...the goddess of courage and wisdom. Dexter is beautiful too ...they were lucky to find you.

  3. Dexter looks like a live-wire, what a cutie.

    Little Grey girl is precious. So tiny with so much spunk!

    Bless your heart for taking these babies in and loving them.


  4. I've always had a soft-spot for Tabbies like Dexter. Ours is called Freddie. The veg garden is doing well here too; our cherry tom plants grow like huge bushes. It's a job to keep them under control!

  5. Oh bless them - and you for saving them. Dexter is SO cute and the wee grey girl has obviously put up SUCH a fight for survival. I will try and think of a name, but like Flower Lady's choice too.
