Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Most Joyous and Blessed Christmas Greeting

Good Morning Everyone,

I am sorry for the huge gap in posting, but as usual, I had some very urgent matters pertaining to my Dad with guardianship and the state and the nursing home trying to step in to take over.  I had to petition a district judge to step in to stop the mess, which thankfully he did and gave me a emergency guardianship and protection.  I was not expecting this and for a while, it was horrible, stressful and seemingly, not to ever end.  On top of all of that, my mom went into the hospital, and after a few days, I fell ill from some yucky flu something, that had me feeling terrible, and even now, I do not have too much strength or anything.  I am better, but still not up to par.  I will mend though.

I just want to wish everyone a most Joyous Holiday Season, in which I hope 2014 will have better tidings for all.
I want to thank all of you for your readership, support and just being there
Wishing all of you very special people a Wonderful Merry Christmas, and Blessed Tidings.


  1. I'm so sorry you've had all these difficulties to cope with. I trust you'll now pamper yourself for a while. Happy Christmas, and I'm wishing you a calmer 2014. Cro xx

  2. A Merry Christmas to you and I pray that 2014 will be a calmer year for you, with the legalities over your parents' care all in place, and you able to enjoy life again. I hope you have a return to full health soon - flu is so debilitating. Look after yourself Denim. Love, Jennie xx

    P.S. Father Christmas brought me a new stray to feed this morning!! A doppleganger for Theo, so probably a later litter brother with same mum and poss. dad.

  3. Merry Christmas to you. I hope next year cuts you some slack and things settle down, and your life is humdrum, and devoid of crises. Wouldn't that make a nice change? Take care of yourself. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  4. Vikki, I'm glad to hear that things are starting to turn the corner and get better for you. Wishing you the Merriest Christmas and the best of 2014.

    Ho ho ho, Christmas started at 4:30am this morning. Bradley woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to open presents and enjoy breakfast. Yeah, we held him off until 5:30am before I thought he would explode.

    Christmas breakfast was nothing like cinnamon rolls or any thing real fancy. It was just pancakes and fruit. Some times the simplest things are the most enjoyed. Besides Bradley wasn’t really interested in breakfast.

    Later we will celebrate Christmas with friends and enjoy their meal always with take home leftovers.

    May your Christmas be the best ever. Now that Winter has officially arrived we can start anticipating Spring, don’t you think? Of course we have to enjoy a few sledding experiences before Winter is over.

  5. Merry Christmas! Hoping 2014 is your best year ever!

  6. I hope your new year will be a better one for you all. You have paid your dues during 2013!

    Being sick during all this doesn't help. Take it easy and I hope you are completely well by now.

  7. You are in the thick of it, I understand since I walked that path with Mom. Much harder on you since you have both of them to care for. We used an Eldercare lawyer too, for fear the Medicaid application would just be a mess. Too bad we need lawyers these days to protect our parents from state workers who are supposed to be helping in the first place. Mom kept her farm by having a beneficiary deed in place, that works here in Arkansas but not all states. It was a worry for us too, 100 miles from here and for 8 years we went back and forth to check on it often after Mom went into nursing care here. Medicaid won't allow you to rent it for income to help pay for care. None of it ever made any sense, I know you feel like giving up. Vickie, you will make it sweetie. One day at a time. Quilt when you can, blog it out and enjoy the fur babies. Take care of you. Hope you are feeling better.
