Monday, September 6, 2010

A good web site to visit for frugal meals and ideas

I visit this site quite a bit.  It is a site for frugal meals, emergency planning for meals for lay-offs, or when things get tight. It has a few ads but it is a nice site to get some ideas from.  It is

I will be getting back to my blog in a few days. I am feeling a bit under the weather with quite a bit of pain in my spine and hip, so I will be thinking of some blogging tips to add in a few days when I feel a little better.
Everyone have a great rest of Labor Day off, and get ready to hit the salt mines again tomorrow.


  1. I understand having those bad days.
    Take it easy and hope you are feeling much better soon.

    I will check out the site. Thanks.


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry you have not been feeling well. Another blog you might enjoy is Frugal Kiwi. It had a post recently about survival tips, after the earthquake in New Zealand.
