Tuesday, May 29, 2012

South side fence is up, YA!!!!!

Good Evening Everyone,
I hope all of you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and I hope everyone took time to reflect why we have the day.

Saturday, we started early and put the fence up. It was going to get hot and very windy, so we started in.  We brought in the red beast dually and stretched the fence out and then tied everything up and we are pleased with it.  The only difference is:  Its painted with green treatment paint instead of red.  We could not find the red cribbing fence, so we had to resort to the green.  I can live with it, as long as it keeps out the pests. D set the post for the gate first, then stretched the fencing, and time wise, it took about 3 hours.  By the time we were done, we were exhausted, hot, cranky, but pleased it is up. Sunday, I was up very early, and planted my summer and winter squash on this side, where they can ramble around, I also put my melons clear up to the front (west) end, and they can ramble around up there without worries about anything trampling on them. I moved my ghetto buckets of Egyptian onions to this side also.  I will plant a few other things here as the summer progresses.

I will post later in the week and show more of the garden area.
Till then, everyone have a wonderful week.


  1. Your fence is terrific! I just found the seeds I was suppose to send you in the center console of my husband's pick-up! He was going to the post office to drop them off when he got so sick....I had no idea they had not been sent...I am so sorry. Glad to hear you have your melons and squashes planted. I'll send some fresh new seed later this summer.

  2. I like your green fence--its all in making something work. I wish you had room for a 'whole' garden, but I think you are very creative with your space--the 'ghetto buckets' look fine

  3. I'm supposed to be doing some fencing too, but always find an excuse to put it off till later. Green is my colour of choice; it looks good.

  4. Oh well done. Everything behind bars now and I like the green of the fence. Now that's progress for you. You are very creative with your planting and WAY AHEAD of me as we had such a bad 6 weeks until last week, weatherwise. Now we have a heatwave!

  5. Hurray for you and D to have been able to get the fencing and gate up this past holiday weekend. I think the green looks great. Way to go, and I know you both feel much better having that done. I look forward to seeing more pictures. It was nice to see the larger photos of what is going on there.

    Have a great day Vicki,

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady
